Teppanyaki Chocolate Fondue
The simple pleasures in life are often the best. Chocolate is definitely one of those simple pleasures, and we decided to have a go at it on the Cook-N-Dine teppanyaki. We have friends that have prepared chocolate fondue directly on the cooktop, thanks to the shallow-dip technology, however we wanted to find a way that would keep mess and cleanup to a minimum. So why not use a stainless steel bowl for the chocolate and the teppanyaki as a direct contact heat source? Voila! Delicious chocolate fondue without the mess!We started by preparing our dippers. For this fondue we chose strawberries, pineapple, banana, marshmallows, graham crackers and pound cake. Then we placed the heavy whipping cream into a small stainless steel bowl. Make sure to use a bowl with a small flat bottom for some contact with the teppanyaki, to get direct heat.
Once the Cook-N-Dine Teppanyaki was preheated, (on level 5) we turned the temperature up to 6 for heating the cream. *Tip: you can speed up the process by warming up the cream before bringing it to the teppanyaki. As we whisked the cream intermittently while heating, we continued to break up the pieces of chocolate in to small squares for easier melting.
Once the cream felt hot to the touch, we started to add the chocolate squares, whisking to allow them to melt and incorporate fully. We also added a dash of good quality rum, for a little extra oomph. Feel free to omit this, or choose a different liquor.
After the chocolate started to melt, we lowered the heat to 3. The consistency at this point was thick enough to hold on to our dippers, without being too heavy on the palate. The lower temperature allowed us to keep this consistency while eating, even making a modified s'mores possible with the marshmallow and graham crackers. *Tip: if you have cake as a "dipper", you're better off drizzling the chocolate onto it rather than skewering it in.
And there you have it! A fun, delicious and easy dessert to entertain family and friends with.Recipe
- 2 cups heavy cream (regular cream or half and half can be used for a lighter version)
- 1 pound premium semi-sweet chocolate
- splash of liqueur (optional)
- dippers galore!